
Automotive, HMI Design


January 2023

Quick-Go HMI Design






HMI Design

UX Designer

4 Months

Jingxuan Hu, Siyu Hou, Qian Zhang, Tian Zhang

Figma, Illustrator, Photoshop


About 83.9% of people in the United States own a car. For many drivers, ordering food while driving is a way to multi-task and saving time in our fast-paced society.

How might we help drivers experience in-vehicle ordering while achieving accuracy and convenience?


We designed an in-vehicle ordering system with an intelligent voice assistant that ensures the driver makes accurate and efficient food ordering while driving.

The image featured in the middle of the about us page
The image featured in the middle of the about us page
The image featured in the middle of the about us page
The image featured in the middle of the about us page

Project Timeline

01 Research and Scope

User Interview & Affinity Mapping

To better understand how drivers order food in driving and identify potential problems, we conducted user interviews with six drivers first before diving into solutions. The interview is semi-structured, and all the questions are open-ended to ensure the interviewers can think aloud and share more details on their driving habits and their interests and concerns toward in-car food orders.


User Journey Map

02 Design Exploration

“ Any user, Anywhere, at Any time. ”

With our research findings and identified opportunity areas, we brainstormed and tried to answer the question: How to make the ordering process quicker and easier with all the actions done in the car/on car screen while driving?

Intelligent Automobile Research

Competitive Analysis - Map-based Food/Drink order App

HMI Design Guide


We came up with many ideas as possible. We then went through the ideas in our affinity map, reorganized them and discussed their implementation feasibility. With the evaluation, we decided to incorporate the following features:

03 Solution

Task 1

Use homepage to quickly order Matcha Creme Frappuccino

Use homepage to quickly order Matcha Creme Frappuccino

Key Feature

Quick order access under Your Favorites option

Quick order access under Your Favorites option


  • Quick order access will directly take to the order review page and move on to navigation map with one click

  • AI voice assistant will help with click actions if driver is not applicable

  • Quick order access will directly take to the order review page and move on to navigation map with one click

  • AI voice assistant will help with click actions if driver is not applicable

Task 2

Task 1

Start with search page and proceed to order a Matcha Creme Frappuccino

Use homepage to quickly order Matcha Creme Frappuccino

Start with search page and proceed to order a Matcha Creme Frappuccino

Key Feature

Food ordering App will start from the Search page and proceed to the menu(All products and Favorites) page

Quick order access under Your Favorites option

Food ordering App will start from the Search page and proceed to the menu(All products and Favorites) page


  • This gives the driver more access to the menu page if he wants more detailed information on products

  • AI voice assistant will help with click action if driver is not applicable

  • Quick order access will directly take to the order review page and move on to navigation map with one click

  • AI voice assistant will help with click actions if driver is not applicable

Task 2

Start with search page and proceed to order a Matcha Creme Frappuccino

Key Feature

Food ordering App will start from the Search page and proceed to the menu(All products and Favorites) page


  • This gives the driver more access to the menu page if he wants more detailed information on products

  • AI voice assistant will help with click action if driver is not applicable

Task 3

After receiving confirmation, proceed to navigation map and drive to the store

After receiving confirmation, proceed to navigation map and drive to the store

Key Feature

Multiple route options will be provided, and driver can switch different display modes of the navigation map

Multiple route options will be provided, and driver can switch different display modes of the navigation map


  • Small window of order information will be attached on the navigation map(open as a pop-up window)

  • AI voice assistant will provide help/information through the entire process

04 Evaluation

We conducted user testing with several potential future users. The process started with briefly introducing the project goal and a scenario description. The users will pretend to be in driving mode, then click through the prototype and think out loud while we follow up with questions and gather their feedback.

We found that:

1. Most of the people found the App very helpful, especially the quick order access, which save them a lot of time and is pretty efficient .
2. Most of the people liked the confirmation page with clear confirmation code and options to choose different routes.
3. Many users liked the customization page, which provide the chance for drivers to have more options on their food; while some users found the fonts too small to read and have safety concerns about scrolling action on the page
4. Some users are not aware of the existence of our AI voice assistant since it’s not showing on the ordering pages

We found that:

1. Most of the people found the App very helpful, especially the quick order access, which save them a lot of time and is pretty efficient .
2. Most of the people liked the confirmation page with clear confirmation code and options to choose different routes.
3. Many users liked the customization page, which provide the chance for drivers to have more options on their food; while some users found the fonts too small to read and have safety concerns about scrolling action on the page
4. Some users are not aware of the existence of our AI voice assistant since it’s not showing on the ordering pages